
My Dream : Destiny 101

My Dream Destiny 101 In the vast of the mist of the night , the outcome of it is just a dream of bad times .I here assure you the brokenness of life itself.  My dream I engaged to various experiences of struggle, financial drop fall and in the chaos i felt unessentially drop fall of the hindrances hits home. Do one really gets ahead with all the obstruction of pain. My Dream [06/05, 13:53] Author David M Msibi: Unleash all the pieces of brokenness in your heart to heal the outstanding life giver and particularly the best version of overcoming series of particular outrageous [06/05, 13:55] Author David M Msibi: Unleash all the pieces of brokenness in your heart to heal the outstanding life giver and particularly the best version of overcoming series of particular outrageous. My dream The cast of new aura of Bad Spirit is being left behind nothing that came to cross nor harm me nor my family I call upon The Almight God and my ancestors ( Ondlondlo omabuya ongabuyi , owabuya nengwe ne...

Stick to your standards

Over the years ,i was so passionate in building up my name ,wokring hard setting standards so high . I genuinely make my progress in times that are confusion ,sometimes i ask myself if i know what i am doing,i know where i am going? I know where i will be one da?. The answer was pretty amazing hence i came to realize that so many have rejected me indirectly of who  i am because i am not intolerant of the nonsense .. It is very pleasing to walk away from people who have rejected you hence on how you live your life,on how you do things.Discipline is a foundation of everything that you are building,please take charge don't surrender you to accomodate anyone ,who wouldn't compromise for you.

Note To Self: David M.Msibi

It is has been a rollercoaster of short term of year.To my upper head ,it was supposed to be the best year of my life but it turned out to be the worst of my life which has brought alot of lessons learned. Firstly : i urge people to be brave enough to realize what they worth and not to run away from hard times ,please face those hardships head on because that's when you'll realize that alot of people that are in your corner will fall off when you are at your worst moment of life and that is great hence that's what God wants . Secondly: I was so stressed daily in a way that when i wake up everyday in the morning i don't look forward  to the dawning of a new day because of alot of pressure ,i was in and sometimes i wished i left and move out of town to start afresh but something said " No ,be strong and be still." When you fall someone will celebrate but when God trips you to get out ,don't be too mad about it Musa ,allow it to happen.Some fights...

Adventurous Mandatory

It is like a cuvy beautiful road but not knowing when to get straight and whether what's happening front of it ,well low your speed be ware and cherish the curve . Peace is finding yourself in a great adventure of life where like writing a whole book about bad or good experience of life where you just let all unchained goons inside of you come up even if it can bite you but then freedom begins inside out. Adventure of peace is being at peace with who you're and accepting it in  every good/ bad day that ,it is like that for that day  Let bygoones be bygones Author David M.Msibi


The entire previleges of life comes from pains and pains comes from being hurt by people, circumstances,life challenges , Heart breaks and not being able at times to deal with it. In case you are wondering why did I wrote Broken BUT STILL GOING ,  I am/was at cost of life ,consumed emotional and still trying to deal with life in a decade.I wrote this book to cut off all the pain or deal with all the hatred in my heart,anger in my heart and to educate about Life, Finance, Spiritual and inspire that in life Being Broken   isn't a small thing or big thing but it plays a huge impact in your life ,Please note that Being hurt derails you from achieving things ,you were thinking about or dreaming about rather. Hi,I am David M. Msibi.It's still a long journey for me and at times I just disappear and want to give up in Writing and publishing on my blog but I pray that I am being served and saved. I got no one on my corner,I fight my own circumstances, I got a beautiful...

Change seems Unilateral but in actions is bilateral.

You see "CHANGE" has nothing to do with obsession but to kill bad habits,bad attitudes and procrastination towards desires,goals and dreams..Out of all things there's nothing in the world that's mandatory like change in actions than in talks. It is much easier to apologise for your laziness and bad habits ( Unilateral ) but it is much harder to simmer in action and humbly show what you mean ( Bilateral ) ,two birds with one stone.In all my living years I have encountered so many situations where you need to be crazy at time ,mad at times,simmer at times,laugh at time ,let it go at times . Maturity has an Impact on change , Question is"How?"  Maturity is being reasonable, understanding, confrontation about things,be conversatively, be will to compromise,be willingly to sacrifice,be willingly to settle at most times,be willingly to exit bad relationships, friendship, family and be willingly to take action when is needed and also be kind to those who are kind t...

Dawn ends with sunsets

How do you fall as sleep while everyday in your home there's noise, violence happening everyday.I also came home with a broken heart because when the sun sets ,you know within you that shit is about to happen.There will be noise ,Fights, Someone must sleep in the huge spot of tears because someone wanted to you know how it is  painfully to pray to God without saying amen ,but with alot of questions for him and while praying in tears everything but in the end you've fell asleep without saying Amen."Jesus why can't you take me also ,hence I'm very much younger to be carrying such massive pain in my heart ,everyday I have to pretend to be someone I'm not". Taking them from us was enough but when you put us throught another drama , unsettled environment ,you just broke us to the beginning of the heart. Starvation is something that sometimes will get used too, Sometimes wearing those torn shoes,shirts and trousers .I never thought everything will pass ,...