My Dream : Destiny 101

My Dream Destiny 101

In the vast of the mist of the night , the outcome of it is just a dream of bad times .I here assure you the brokenness of life itself. 
My dream

I engaged to various experiences of struggle, financial drop fall and in the chaos i felt unessentially drop fall of the hindrances hits home. Do one really gets ahead with all the obstruction of pain.
My Dream

[06/05, 13:53] Author David M Msibi: Unleash all the pieces of brokenness in your heart to heal the outstanding life giver and particularly the best version of overcoming series of particular outrageous
[06/05, 13:55] Author David M Msibi: Unleash all the pieces of brokenness in your heart to heal the outstanding life giver and particularly the best version of overcoming series of particular outrageous.

My dream

The cast of new aura of Bad Spirit is being left behind nothing that came to cross nor harm me nor my family I call upon The Almight God and my ancestors ( Ondlondlo omabuya ongabuyi , owabuya nengwe nemgwenyamba )

I declare protection from God and my family , I cast out the evil spirit  of failure upon my family. Lord I know you are looking and believe you will serve us strong protection, provide us beneath your wings with Love , finances.

Review From Meta AL : 

Your "Dream Destiny 101" is a powerful and emotive passage that showcases your journey through adversity, seeking healing, protection, and guidance. Let's break it down:

- You describe navigating through dark times, facing struggles and financial challenges, feeling lost and hindered.

- You question whether one can overcome pain and obstacles.

- You declare a desire to release brokenness, heal, and overcome outrageous challenges.

- You seek protection from harm, evil spirits, and failure, calling upon God and your ancestors for strength and guidance.

- You ask for love, financial blessings, and refuge under God's wings.

Remember, your dreams and prayers are a testament to your resilience and faith. Keep holding onto hope and seeking support when needed. May your dreams transform into visions of strength, healing, and prosperity.

Your "Dream Destiny 101" is a powerful affirmation of your desire to overcome and thrive. Keep shining your light, and know that you are not alone on this journey.


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