Dawn ends with sunsets

How do you fall as sleep while everyday in your home there's noise, violence happening everyday.I also came home with a broken heart because when the sun sets ,you know within you that shit is about to happen.There will be noise ,Fights, Someone must sleep in the huge spot of tears because someone wanted to Rule.do you know how it is  painfully to pray to God without saying amen ,but with alot of questions for him and while praying in tears everything but in the end you've fell asleep without saying Amen."Jesus why can't you take me also ,hence I'm very much younger to be carrying such massive pain in my heart ,everyday I have to pretend to be someone I'm not".
Taking them from us was enough but when you put us throught another drama , unsettled environment ,you just broke us to the beginning of the heart. Starvation is something that sometimes will get used too, Sometimes wearing those torn shoes,shirts and trousers .I never thought everything will pass , But still stuck there emotionally .How long does it takes to heal from something that has given us alot of gifts?
Writing ?Argh it's actually a gift but tool to equip myself to burst out how I feel and moments I never spoke off.

How do you consistently love someone passionately but never love their kids as your own ?you call that thing love ?
Mad right?
I am as mad but I am calm to core of calmness.

When we finished burying the most valuable people in our lives,While you're in that stage of grieving process for about years after we've been feeling lonely.We have to stood up at that tender age for ourselves,to never starve for more like days at least a day then that's enough.

In that que of standing up for ourselves,learn to be protectively, proactive to get what we seek and desire .The Mandate towards the functional minds of young four boys who had to grew to be men at the early age and that being said we had to learn the skill of "survival of the Fittest".

Do you how painfully ,it is to come back from school and you find no food cooked,no warm home to be loved , reprimanded,beaten sometimes ,shouted sometimes and have people who you love dearly and who will support you.The tricky part of my life is I don't have a gap in my heart of father's love hence my grandpa,uncles and brother was in my life for almost all the time ,I am fully feeded with male's person love.

Male's love is kinda harsh,hard and Invisible.If it happens one day I have kids of my own ,I'll probably make sure that I express how I feel about them,be able to love them and when I've wronged them and apologize.

The wife that I will have, will have to know the deepest love that comes with expressions, impressions and be fully loved,oh I pray to never love a wrong person God.

People can mistreat you, people will want you to be respectful to them but they ain't to you  . I've been broken into pieces for years and by people who came into our lives and treat us second .

Author David M.Msibi
No one understands how Broken I am than people who have purchased my book ,Broken has been my Motivation ever since the sunlight came on .

Facebook    : David M. Msibi
Instagram   : davidmusa.msibi.988
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