I refuse to be poor
"Born poor wasn't my fault,Dying Poor is my fault"
I have acknowledge to eat what I get ,dress what I have and Living with what I have but in my age that quote of Living with what you have ,wearing what you have and eating what you have isn't applicable anymore .
We wake up everyday to hustle for a better Life and for Better shelters/Houses/Homes rather.
I am refusing to be a victim of poverty and I am still refusing to play the part of I am living with what I have ,as I am currently working on myself,my life and My future to ensure that everyone that comes after me in my family doesn't suffer .
As old as I am ,I am have outgrown to be a man of responsibility ,to provide for myself and my loved ones.
Being responsible meaning I have to know how to use money wisely ,I am in the process of financial Education, financial Budget , Financial plan and it is with great honour to grow to know about alot issues that needs to be solved in our society or in our lives rather.
If you live your whole life struggling financially and deciding to stay negative,you will forever remain the victim of it.
We all have dreams to fulfill,we all have desires,we all have goals to achieve.
We nurture our Little niche and never allow your situation at home to restrict you from going beyond your limits,It was never our fault to be born to these kinda situations.
Don't let any stress at this stage of life stop you from finding an absolute financial solutions and That have I said ,it's Knowing how not to overspend.
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